Provider Directory
Golden Chariot
(360) 944-9833
Golden Chariot Specialty Transport Service, LLC is committed to providing quality, cost effective transportation services for the elderly and disabled in a clean and comfortable family-like environment which promotes dignity and respect for those we serve.
Golden Chariot Specialty Transport Service, LLC provides affordable individual transportation services for senior and disabled clients. Whether you need transport to a medical appointment, shopping or to visit family events your Chariot awaits!
Website: | |
Schedule Method: | Call Ahead |
Service Type: | Door to Door |
Service Areas: | Clark, Cowlitz |
Service Days: | Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat |
Service Hours: | 24 hours |
Accessibility: | Foldable Wheelchair, Walker |
Cost: | Wheelchair Service: $100 One way (in county), $120 Round Trip (in county) Comfort Car Service: $50 One Way (in county), $60 Round Trip (in county) Out of county rates vary |
Discounts: | None Currently Offered |